Vera Xia  夏靖宜


  1. The Nocturnal · Trilogy(2020-2022)
  2. Untitled Movies (2019)
  3. In the Mood for Love (2018)


©2024 Vera Xia

The Nocturnal · Trilogy

The Nocturnal· Trilogy 2020-2022

“The darkness of the night gave me the safest cover, and the camera helped me capture the distorted illusion that floated in my mind when the flash lit up.”

This trilogy was made during the years of the pandemic which entails Vera’s journey in both the physical and metaphysical world.

Untitled Movies

Untitled Movies 2019

“Untitled Movies” is not only Vera’s tribute to the famous Untitled Film Stills by Cindy Sherman, but also her very own exploration of being young and being self-conscious, the atempted narration and suspense, and the quality of space and time in still photography.
This project was made in the spring of 2019 using a 4 * 5 large format film camera in Annandale, New York and around San Francisco.

In the Mood for Love

In the Mood for Love 2018

This was Vera’s first color photo project. It was made during her second year at Bard College, when she gave up the medium format film camera she was given, and picked up a 35mm point and shoot camera. The casualness of the point and shoot gave Vera the freedom to take photos both aggressively and impulsively, which resulted this vibrant and reckless group of pictures, just like being young and being in love.

One of the pictures was taken in one of cinema on campus screened the Wong Kar Wai film “In the Mood for Love” (2000) , which gave this project’sname.